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RTSM and RTSM-H are not created equal

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#1 JoeBradley


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Posted 10 October 2017 - 05:17 AM

When the swing mechanic was changed (ages ago), it seems the devs forgot to change RTSM-H along with RTSM. I normally play RTSM-H because I prefer the horizontal swing action and frequently suffer from excessive spin on wedge shots or wild slices with driver and long irons due to inadvertent overswing. Not been on the practice range for months, so headed there to see if a switch to RTSM vertical swing would improve things. And well lookie here - I couldn't overswing at all. Nope - 97% max. Also, there is no penalty for lingering in the overswing area as long as you hit the usual ratio. Try the same swing in RTSM-H and you will get 120% and a wild slice. Is this the same for everyone?

#2 Charles


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Posted 10 October 2017 - 06:59 AM

No overswing with RTSM vertical Joe? Not in my book. Just finished a session on the driving range and all through the bag I can overswing up to around 113%. I think you should look at either your mouse sensitivity or your swing. Probably the first. I've never had this issue. I am playing with a old cordless Logitec mouse and it performs as it should. I'm no techie but i'm guessing it could have to do something with this.

RTSM / Pro / In the bag: D,3/7W,1H,5i-60W,P.

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#3 JoeBradley


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Posted 10 October 2017 - 12:40 PM

Thanks, Charles. Well, that's a mystery. Just tried again on range using horiz and vert, TP and Pro, using two different mice (Intellimouse and Logitech G402) and same thing - no overswing for me in vertical mode. Also, I notice no 'coil' compression in the animation when I draw the mouse further back from top of swing, unlike in horizontal mode, which does show this extra movement. Baffled.

#4 frank70


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Posted 10 October 2017 - 12:47 PM

JoeBradley, on 10 Oct 2017 - 12:40 PM, said:

Thanks, Charles. Well, that's a mystery. Just tried again on range using horiz and vert, TP and Pro, using two different mice (Intellimouse and Logitech G402) and same thing - no overswing for me in vertical mode. Also, I notice no 'coil' compression in the animation when I draw the mouse further back from top of swing, unlike in horizontal mode, which does show this extra movement. Baffled.

Probably your sensitivity in-game is to high.


It seems that you reach the bottom of the screen with the mouse pointer when playing vertical. That stops the backward motion of the club.


Horizontal has more room for the pointer. Therefore you can go into overswing.

#5 Charles


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Posted 10 October 2017 - 01:14 PM

What Frank writes could be it. Also, do you play full screen or windowed? I play full screen. My in-game mouse sensitivities are 3.00 and 2.00. I do remember in the past that when the cursor/mouse pointer went off screen at the bottom that could effect the top of the swing. Start your swing by putting the cursor high on your screen when swinging vertical so you have lots of room to spare at the bottom. And check those in-game sensitivities in the visual section.

RTSM / Pro / In the bag: D,3/7W,1H,5i-60W,P.

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#6 JoeBradley


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Posted 10 October 2017 - 01:47 PM

frank70, on 10 Oct 2017 - 12:47 PM, said:

Probably your sensitivity in-game is to high.

It seems that you reach the bottom of the screen with the mouse pointer when playing vertical. That stops the backward motion of the club.

Horizontal has more room for the pointer. Therefore you can go into overswing.

Bingo! Lowering the in-game sensitivity did the trick. Thanks for this. Still one issue remains, though - the tempo requirement in overswing is different between horizontal and vertical modes. In horizontal, you have to vastly increase downswing speed compared to vertical mode. I seem to recall the tempo requirement was changed at some point for overswing and I wonder if it was done for both V and H. As it is, I can relatively easily overswing in vertical mode whereas it's almost impossible to time and keep straight in horizontal.

#7 JoeF


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Posted 10 October 2017 - 06:46 PM

In-game sensitivity settings will be different for RTSM-V vs RTSM-H.  I believe it's due to the fact that in RTSM-V you can't pull the mouse back as far (your hand gets in the way) as you can move it horizontally in RTSM-H.  A shorter "throw" distance if you will.  That's why you weren't seeing the compression, you weren't getting into the overswing area.  Both spin and ratio penalties were scaled back in the overswing zone quite some time ago.  As for downswing speed I find I only need to give the swing a little extra "oomph" when I've gone into the overswing zone (which I do a fair amount).  Can't say I remember any difference between vertical or horizontal in that regard.  RTSM-H is a bit more difficult to maintain a straight swing path in than RTSM-V, but then again it feels more like a true golf swing and the movement of the ball in flight, as a result of those little errors, also feels a bit more "real".

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#8 Sliceapottomus


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Posted 10 October 2017 - 06:54 PM

so many settings you can mess with your windows mouse speed as well.  Joe you can certainly time out in vertical. you can go into the over swing with the proper settings. I did  the testing on the range as well and it seemed to me that horizontal was way easier. you could twist mouse and still maintain straight swing. I do believe the tempo is the same for both. you may be seeing how the axis are different which makes it seem you have to swing faster. And that is because you have to cover more ground on swing... perfect tempo always .25 and on tour pro .23 and .27 are trouble....

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#9 JoeBradley


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Posted 10 October 2017 - 08:24 PM

JoeF, on 10 Oct 2017 - 6:46 PM, said:

Both spin and ratio penalties were scaled back in the overswing zone quite some time ago. 

All good stuff, thanks all. But fact remains that if I go into 110-115% overswing in RTSM-H using same tempo as in V, I get a 45-degree slice right - time after time. Also ferocious backspin with lofted wedges. It feels as if maybe those spin/ratio penalties were scaled back only for V mode, not H.

#10 JoeF


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Posted 11 October 2017 - 12:57 AM

JoeBradley, on 10 Oct 2017 - 8:24 PM, said:

All good stuff, thanks all. But fact remains that if I go into 110-115% overswing in RTSM-H using same tempo as in V, I get a 45-degree slice right - time after time. Also ferocious backspin with lofted wedges. It feels as if maybe those spin/ratio penalties were scaled back only for V mode, not H.


When the overswing changes were made I was using RTSM-H and they definitely made a difference.  For what it is worth I find that when you go 45 degrees right it is more often a case of your backswing being too fast, not your downswing being too slow.   :)

Intel i5-4570 cpu @ 3.2 GHz, ASUS Z74-K mb, ASUS GeForce GTX 960 gpu, 16 GB ram, 2 x SSD drives, Windows 10 64 bit


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#11 Charles


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Posted 11 October 2017 - 12:42 PM

On this topic (the RTS-Mouse swing) I'm wondering: who plays with this swing anyway? I have a 'steady' RTS-Mouse swing partner whom I met on this forum and who I have been playing with/against on- and offline for some time now, but when playing against other players through the in-game Multi player set-up, I only meet 3C players? You cant tell which swing somebody is using so I Always ask, and it's allways 3C! :wacko: Has there been a post on this in the past were RTS-Mouse swing players have presented themselves on this forum? I would like to know as I would like to play more on-line matches specifically against other RTS-Mouse swing players, preferably Pro en T. Pro. If not, I'll put up post myself and ask around.

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RTSM / Pro / In the bag: D,3/7W,1H,5i-60W,P.

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#12 StoneComet


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Posted 12 October 2017 - 12:45 AM



When I do play I like to use RTS mouse horizontal. I do suspect that this swing method might not be up to spec comparatively. I usually play PRO unless I'm testing in which case I drop down to Amateur or even Hacker for expediency. I have little regard for my scoring I just dig the flexibility and the danger of RTSM-H at Pro level. I also abstain from the grid and the BLI so my play speed is very slow. I do speed up when playing others but that is a rarity as I would rather play other RTS-H players at Pro or higher.


I suspect there are not very many of us that play RTSM-H and coordinating the tee time can become an issue with such a small group to begin with. My guess would be in the single digits for RTSM-H and lucky to break 15 as RTSM- vertical and horizontal. RTSC is good but I might as well play the other game 2 then.


I'm glad 3 clickers have a good game to play and PG2 will be even better for those that can get it for 3 click. We will see.


Cheers  :)

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#13 Goran JoeMen

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Posted 12 October 2017 - 01:42 PM

Charles, I play the same swing method as you do. If you add me in Steam (JoeMen) and see me in the lobby please give me a shout!


RTS-M pro  -  Intel i5-9600K 3.7ghz  - 16GB  RAM - GeForce RTX 2060 super  - 2560x1440

#14 Charles


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Posted 12 October 2017 - 04:39 PM

@ Goran: will do.

RTSM / Pro / In the bag: D,3/7W,1H,5i-60W,P.

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