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New to Course Forge - Tutorials, Tips, and Links

tutorials tips links new learning course forge

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#1 Babybull



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Posted 03 July 2017 - 01:56 AM

I am new to Course Forge(as a lot of us probably are), and I wanted to create a thread that others and myself can post resources for people that truly want to learn this software.


Mike Jones' Turtorials - This is an obvious recommendation, but still is extremely valuable for those just getting started with this game and course designing program. Not to mention, Mike has worked on this game since the beginning, and these tutorials are worth watching for that experience alone. Like the saying goes, "A smart man learns from his mistakes, but a wise man learns from the mistakes of others." - Some old dude(not the actual quote, but you get the drift).


Kablammo11's Tutorials/Videos - There is another saying I like that goes something like, "Ignorance is bliss, and geniuses are clinically depressed" - Some other old dude. This sums up the vibe you get from watching K11's videos. Snark and sarcasm are like inhaling and exhaling for K11, but the jewels of wisdom in his tutorials are priceless. I highly, highly recommend his five part tutorial for texture creation and importing for those that truly want to make a design their own. (sarcasm on) On the other hand, you could not watch the videos, and struggle to make the leap from good to great designs.... who cares?!? K11 doesn't. (sarcasm off)   


OnlineGolfTour.net - One thing I have learned from beginning the use of a new golf course designing program is to spend a lot of time playing other designers' courses. This website provides a place for members to review courses, and has previews and download links for most courses. By playing other designers' courses you can get an idea of what is currently possible, and get inspired to make improvements on techniques being used. 


I will make an effort to return to this thread and post more resources as I come across them. I also encourage anybody that knows of good resources that I didn't touch on to please post them as a reply.

Also, for people that are unaware, Course Forge works as a plug-in for Unity. When you are struggling with an element during your design, it is very helpful to the community if you specify that problem is in Course Forge or Unity. Remember that, even some of the experienced designers here, are not Unity experts, and are only using Unity because it is needed to run Course Forge. If you can't find the answer to a Unity question in this forum, I highly recommend searching the numerous Unity forums out there. Specifically the official Unity Forum


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#2 worrybirdie


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Posted 03 July 2017 - 04:08 PM

Good post...and welcome! Going to have to check out K11's tutorials now that I have the link close at hand, and am going to soon be putting in textures (something I have figured out should be done late in the process, especially if you're using a Google Earth overlay).

Here's a tip I've recently figured out:

Also do your water planes late in the process. You can go ahead and dig out the water hazards, but once you put in the water I have noticed a problematic clipping error when zooming in to the course (very annoying!). :wacko:

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