I thought we would post a quick update on some of the things we have been up to over the last few weeks... Update
We will be pushing a new update in the next day or so. This will include
- The Rio Olympic Course
Plugged lies in the bunkers
Fixes to Green Grid
Improvements and Additions to Simulator App
Added Shot Clock for people who want to. You got 60 seconds and after 60 seconds a shot is added to your score
Added RTS Swings to those that have data displayed when in practice mode
Added More Information to the lobby game display window including Shot Timer and MOP Type
Improvements to the network code so that resumes work better
Fixes to achievements
Nicklaus Design Course Forge
Today we finally received the coupons from SpeedTree so we will be moving quickly to get this released. We are working up a series of tutorials and hope to make use of the WorkShop feature in Steam for this.
Sound Script Editor / MOP Editor Application
We have created a Windows application that will allow easy creation of MOP files as well as Sound Script files. Players will be able to create their own sound scripts that can be integrated into the game. Just add the generated files into the Sounds folder and then select which sound script you want to use for a particular round. This is all client based so each player in an online game can use their own separate sound file. There are hundreds of potentially unique events that can be configured using the sound script editor.
NVIDIA Turf Effects
For the last month we have been working on taking the Turf Effects module from NVIDIA and writing a custom integration with Unity which uses Unity's low level graphics plugin infrastructure. We have managed to get a working Turf Effects inside a sample unity application and now have to integrate it into CF and PG. Unfortunately Turf Effects is dx11 only so we will have to create a new version of PG that is DX11 and up only so it will be on a separate build, probably part of an XBOX / Universal Windows 10 app release of PG. This is scheduled for completion around middle of October.
We have completely localized PG in several languages including French, German, Spaish, Russian.
Career Mode
We are still in the early stages of this basically wireframing out the workflow from lowly amateur to touring pro. We are very excited about this feature which will allow the player to assume the roll of managing their career, not just a basic season mode that we have seen so many times before. There is no specific timetable to this as we work on it around other projects, but it will be worth waiting for.
Console Release Development
We decided to focus on getting the Turf Effects work done first prior to the XBOX conversion. We have done some basic level work on this port. As the game is already Win 10 compatible we have already managed to make a build in the Xbox version of unity, but now need to integrate the XBOX live code and Windows / Xbox Store code / networking into the game to replace steam. This work is scheduled to begin in earnest by the middle of October.
Thats about it for this note. Happy Golfing!!