Making custom textures is becoming quite addicting. K11's video tutorials are simply golden. I had never used an image editing program until 2 weeks ago haha! You can understand why I need these details spelled out.
Baby steps...
After many failures and a few successes, I'm looking for the best way to setup and save/import my textures for consistency. Some of my textures work but some make unity crash. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
For the current version of CourseForge, what matters and what needs to match?
When starting a new image
*Image size
*X, Y resolution
When importing an image to customize (screenshot or existing texture), what do I need to change, if anything?
When exporting:
*Compression Level
When importing into Unity and setting up in the inspector:
*Max Size
All the other settings for importing textures and normal maps I've been able to get from the tutorials and other posts.
Any help would be appreciated.