Well, I have been prepping ficitional golf courses in Unity, currently working on my 6th project, "The Lothian" (think Muirfield and British Open)...
Anyway, I suddenly felt some of my efforts might come to naught if I did not get a few key figures about Terrain settings right. So I would like to ask for them here:
• What is the recommended heightmap resolution for the Course Forge? 513? 1025? 2049?...???
• What is the recommended detail resolution for the Course Forge?
• What is the recommended control texture resolution for the Course Forge?
• Should the Unity terrain be given a shader material, for instance to apply bump-mapped textures? Which?
• Vegetation - will any additional tree, bush and grass models ship with the CourseForge - or are we on our own?
Thank you and Ka-Boom!