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Flickering bushes

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#1 CurryHoward



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Posted 20 November 2021 - 11:04 PM


This is "YesBush1 1" from the free SpeedTree package. "YesBush2 1" has the same problem.

I like how these bushes look close up, but at lower LODs they start to flicker very badly whenever the camera is in motion, to the point it almost hurts to look at.


I think this has to do with the very small holes between leaves creating aliasing problems when viewed from a distance, but I tried increasing anti-aliasing to 4x in the quality settings and adding an anti-aliasing post-processing module to the main camera, with no noticeable improvement. I also tried playing with the LOD thresholds, but the only thing that helps is bringing the billboard way closer to the camera, which is alright for these distant hills but looks terrible for bushes closer to the course.


There are probably design-level things I can do to mitigate or mask this effect, but I really like the look I'm getting aside from the flickering, so just hoping someone has a technical solution to this.

#2 CurryHoward



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Posted 21 November 2021 - 04:34 AM

Discovered I can disable mipmapping for the billboard texture without a noticeable hit to FPS. That gets me much higher billboards which makes my original LOD solution viable. Still got a lot more of these guys to plant so we'll see if performance degrades but this could be a passable workaround.

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