Thanks, gents.
Here's another screenie. This is an example of another style of bulkhead that Dye seems to have become fond of in later years. I'm not really sure of the best technique to use here; I actually went through the trouble of placing every single one of these wooden planks individually, which took FOREVER but seems to have been the best way to do it. I'd love to hear of any alternative methods if they know of one.

Looks great Matt.
There are several Unity prefab brush assets out there that can lay down meshes at defined intervals like this while conforming to the terrain. I use Easy Scatter and something like this would be pretty easy once you learn how to set it up correctly.
DPRoberts mentioned another prefab brush in a different thread as well.
I also think some of the guys using external 3D programs can build these and import them but I don't know anything about that.
PM me if you want and I can try to explain how to do this with Easy Scatter