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TPC Scottsdale

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#41 axe360


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Posted 14 December 2016 - 09:47 PM

Dazmaniac, on 14 Dec 2016 - 8:31 PM, said:

That 16th looks the biz. Great job all involved.


Being a picky twat, I think the tees would look better without that burnt grass fringe. It looks great on the bunkers, but I don't personally think the tees need it. But, it is DoGgz's recreation and he has final say. Either way, I will be playing once available.




But, that's the way they are... :) At least in some of the very few pics I've been able to find.

I have seen some pics though of the rough basically matching the tee textures so what to do?







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#42 axe360


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Posted 14 December 2016 - 10:04 PM

I guess you Can go both ways..  Mike seems to be up on this maybe my first pics are older? Either way, I think you need to do bunkers and tees with the same roughs, which every he chooses.. :)



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#43 Dazmaniac


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Posted 14 December 2016 - 10:10 PM



Yeah, I guess I'm going on what I watched earlier this year on TV.


No doubt we will see in Feb next year how they should be, lol.

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#44 DoGgs


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Posted 14 December 2016 - 10:19 PM

Yes it is a case of what to do, i don't think i'm gonna get too hung up on it, i may just mix it up a bit anyway.  I would imagine the seasons would make it look different at various points of the year.  if it looks good i will prob go with it.


#45 Dazmaniac


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Posted 14 December 2016 - 10:27 PM

DoGgz, on 14 Dec 2016 - 10:19 PM, said:

Yes it is a case of what to do, i don't think i'm gonna get too hung up on it, i may just mix it up a bit anyway.  I would imagine the seasons would make it look different at various points of the year.  if it looks good i will prob go with it.


Agreed D.


I don't think there's any right or wrong way. Go with the flow and if you feel it looks as you want, that will do for me.



#46 axe360


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Posted 14 December 2016 - 10:42 PM

DoGgz, on 14 Dec 2016 - 10:19 PM, said:

Yes it is a case of what to do, i don't think i'm gonna get too hung up on it, i may just mix it up a bit anyway.  I would imagine the seasons would make it look different at various points of the year.  if it looks good i will prob go with it.


Well, I imagine we testers will let you know how whatever you do looks, when testing begins.. ;) :)

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#47 DPRoberts


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Posted 14 December 2016 - 11:30 PM

How many cooks can we fit in this kitchen?

DoGgz, should you desire the raised grass tee look, I wanted to offer the way I have achieved it. It is accomplished with layers library effects. Please be careful with changes and even naming. I would suggest testing with clones of layers and use names like "Tee Lower" and "Tee Raised"

My inspiration

My attempt

This is completed by altering 2 layers. You should clone your "Tee" layer and rename to "Tee Lower" and change settings as below in the far right hand column. (note mine still says "Tee" but do as I say not as I do.)

Next, clone and rename your outer straw layer to "Tee Raised" or whatever you like and do settings as below.

Take particular note of not just the numbers but the fringe drop down choice. The "Tee Raised" will show the "Tee Raised" texture for the raised portion and match the straw. The "Tee Lower" needs the "Tee Raised" texture so the lip is colored correctly as straw as well.

I would suggest probably only limiting this to tees or select tees. The temptation may be to do for bunkers but some don't like how the ball may "ricochet" off of the raised areas. One day we may see 3D grasses and we will have new challenges to manage but for now, I kind of like the above result.

Then, the outer layer is "Tee Raised" (red in my pic) and the inner layer is "Tee Lower" (blue in my pic)

Whatever you decide will be enjoyed by most and criticized by a few. You can't win 'em all over.

#48 M Rose

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Posted 15 December 2016 - 05:34 PM

The course was redesigned a year or two ago; the newer version is the one with the white bunkers and the dormant rings around them removed.

Here's a Golf Digest article with more details:


When I played the course in 1998, it was April and those rings were actuall green (bermuda grass). In January the tees and fairways are over seeded but the bermuda is left dormant. Since that is when the WM is played, that's generally the look seen on television, although I think Weiskopf removed them going forward.

Two of the holes (#4 and #14) also have had greens rebuilt during the renovation and were moved to different locations, so that may need to be considered as well. Both of those holes are about 30-40 yards longer now.

The alternate fairway on #13 is gone.

Weiskopf also put in a "church pew" bunker on #18 as an homage to Oakmont.

They've only played the event at the rebuilt course once so far, so a lot of photos and videos will be of the older course.

The course itself will play nicely regardless.

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#49 DoGgs


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Posted 15 December 2016 - 08:55 PM

Maybe thats why my google earth looks like a bulding site! the good news is that my GE im using for elevation work has the pew bunkers, so i'm hoping that what i see at ground level is as it is now.


Edit: i don't see a coffin bunker on 13, easy to add though.

can confirm that alternate FW on 13 is also gone!



#50 DoGgs


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Posted 15 December 2016 - 11:16 PM

Thanks for the tee tutorial DPR i will give this a go, not doing any work on the course for a few days, too busy with work and i can't summon up the focus to do anything after a 12 hr shift  :blink:


#51 Curious George

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Posted 16 December 2016 - 10:29 AM

Oh hell ya bring this on!  The course looks clean and the plantings look natural.

#52 DoGgs


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 01:42 PM

Buck, on 14 Dec 2016 - 8:17 PM, said:



Looking excellent!


May I ask how those mountains look when the sun is the other direction? (in your version)

Might just be the lighting angle, but the hills/mountains are far more brown that shown in that screen above.


I noticed that colors can be all out of whack w/ sat imagery when I was doing a huge batch of tile creation (sat imagery scenery) for X-Plane last year.

I agree the mountains are brown IRL does anyone know if i can colour this mountain prefab?


#53 DoGgs


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 10:37 AM

First Beta going up today, 18 holes are down and sculpted, some but not all greens are final, have yet to decide about perimeter, we have some work done, few buildings here and there, but i don't want to bog it down with lousy FPS.  As it is now the fps is good, this beta is mainly for the testers to check my pins, hazards and report any tearing to meshes etc, and possibly pick up on any hills and elevations that are missing and glaring, i built this from a virtually flat height map, so there may be something to pick up on.


#54 DoGgs


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 11:03 AM

Beta up! get testing, testers!  ;)


#55 DPRoberts


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 12:19 PM

DoGgz, on 16 Dec 2016 - 1:42 PM, said:

I agree the mountains are brown IRL does anyone know if i can colour this mountain prefab?

I would imagine you could alter the color of the texture making up the albedo channel by adjusting the hue in Unity or directly editing the texture in photoshop as you did with your CF texture to make your straw surround. It just depends on how the mountain is unwrapped and textured. Is it a single material?

#56 DoGgs


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 12:35 PM

DPRoberts, on 17 Dec 2016 - 12:19 PM, said:

I would imagine you could alter the color of the texture making up the albedo channel by adjusting the hue in Unity or directly editing the texture in photoshop as you did with your CF texture to make your straw surround. It just depends on how the mountain is unwrapped and textured. Is it a single material?

yes, changed it now..they now be brown  :)


#57 Buck


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 06:27 PM


Can you delete some of your PM's?

I'd like to PM you but your inbox is full..

#58 DoGgs


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 07:47 PM

Buck, on 17 Dec 2016 - 6:27 PM, said:


Can you delete some of your PM's?

I'd like to PM you but your inbox is full..

on it


#59 DoGgs


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 03:51 PM

Hoping to get this released today, this will be the last course from me for a few months at least.  I have put a lot of time and effort into bringing out these courses over the past 12 months, this has come at a price for me.  My relationships with my partner, children etc have all suffered because of my time spent at my pc in a room separate from the family room.  I have to try and repair a few personal issues in my life from this week onwards, maybe its too late and the damage is already done, that's something for me to work on from now until resolution.

This all sounds a bit personal and maybe not really for sharing on a golf forum, but i post it as a friendly warning to the designers old and new, there is a vastly more important world out there with people that get affected by our choices and the time we allocate to things in life we enjoy doing.  Golf is a passion of mine, both playing for real and designing/playing here, and i have put way too much time into both facets for far too long. I may have lost one of the most important people in my life because of my blind obsession, time will tell if that is indeed the case.  So with that i will be limiting my PG time in the coming months, especially designing, i'm not stopping, we all have to have some hobbies in life, i just need to get real and focus more on whats truly important in this one life we have.

       Merry xmas to you all, enjoy your holidays  :)  and i hope you all enjoy scottsdale, TC  


#60 garynorman


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 04:02 PM

DoGgz, on 20 Dec 2016 - 3:51 PM, said:

Hoping to get this released today, this will be the last course from me for a few months at least.  I have put a lot of time and effort into bringing out these courses over the past 12 months, this has come at a price for me.  My relationships with my partner, children etc have all suffered because of my time spent at my pc in a room separate from the family room.  I have to try and repair a few personal issues in my life from this week onwards, maybe its too late and the damage is already done, that's something for me to work on from now until resolution.

This all sounds a bit personal and maybe not really for sharing on a golf forum, but i post it as a friendly warning to the designers old and new, there is a vastly more important world out there with people that get affected by our choices and the time we allocate to things in life we enjoy doing.  Golf is a passion of mine, both playing for real and designing/playing here, and i have put way too much time into both facets for far too long. I may have lost one of the most important people in my life because of my blind obsession, time will tell if that is indeed the case.  So with that i will be limiting my PG time in the coming months, especially designing, i'm not stopping, we all have to have some hobbies in life, i just need to get real and focus more on whats truly important in this one life we have.

       Merry xmas to you all, enjoy your holidays  :)  and i hope you all enjoy scottsdale, TC  


Good luck mate, and thanks for all of your offerings to date...


Hope all goes well for you and your family :)


Merry Christmas!!

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