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#261 Buck


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 07:00 PM

He doesn't seem to mind unloading on us..including calling us ignorant in a previous post in this thread. Enough is enough.

I understand - My point was just that perhaps the high road to take would be a PM warning him and then moderator approval only posting (or a ban) if things don't change?

Airing a community member out in public isn't particularly productive or an appealing "look" in my opinion. That's all I was saying.

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#262 Richard


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 07:34 PM

It seems to me, that bashing is pretty standard around here by many. Unfortunately, I have no suggestions as to how to turn that around.


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#263 Buck


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 07:36 PM

It seems to me, that bashing is pretty standard around here by many. Unfortunately, I have no suggestions as to how to turn that around.

Simple (especially if you own the joint as Mike does)...
Don't respond to it and ban people that keep doing it.

#264 Richard


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 07:40 PM

Simple (especially if you own the joint as Mike does)...
Don't respond to it and ban people that keep doing it.


While, I understand what you're saying, remember his name is MIKE, not St. Michael. LOL


Based on the tone of a couple of his other posts, today, it seems like he's not having a very good day.


Learned long ago, don't 'piss off'' the boss, even when you are right.

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#265 Buck


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 07:46 PM

...remember his name is MIKE

...Based on the tone of a couple of his other posts, today, it seems like he's not having a very good day.

It does seem that way

#266 Crow357


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 07:55 PM

To pour your heart and soul into a project only to have it excremented on by a few on a daily basis must be exceedingly difficult to take. I wouldn't be able to do it. But yes, the ban stick should be utilized IMO.
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#267 Buck


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 08:29 PM

Agreed Crow..


...pour your heart and soul into a project only to have it excremented on by a few on a daily basis...

Meet Solution...

...the ban stick should be utilized IMO.

#268 Richard


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 08:44 PM

To pour your heart and soul into a project only to have it excremented on by a few on a daily basis must be exceedingly difficult to take. I wouldn't be able to do it. But yes, the ban stick should be utilized IMO.


I agree, but unfortunately time and time again, the Administrators have been too lenient when it comes to banning. How  many times can some ask for forgiveness only to return to their old ways. Not an easy situation to deal with.

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#269 wim1234


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Posted 17 September 2016 - 06:26 AM

the only thing i am not able to understand is, why do ppl go on playing if they dont like it.

the human species can be really a weird phenomenon at times.

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#270 Ian


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Posted 17 September 2016 - 07:46 AM

Mike, on what do you base your comment that Powerstroke was very unpopular? Of course, I can only speak for myself, but 95% of the people I played with on Links were Powerstrokers. We always had "Open to all" games, so it wasn't just for any one type of swing. Powerstroke WAS bloody difficult to master, but it was also the closest computer swing to real life, and still is. ​Until JNPG implements a swing where to get extra distance one can use more power, as in REAL GOLF, Powerstroke will always be the best golf game swing invented. Yes, I can hit a Driver and all the irons from 64w to 6 iron harder to get more distance and in the case of the irons, more spin, but all the other woods and long irons from 5 iron up lose distance the more power one uses. The tempo swings makes sense, but the ratio is tailored to only one tempo, which doesn't suit everyone, with Powerstroke it could work with lots of different tempos. I think Stephen was a bit over the top with his remark but one can't deny that JNPG needs to do more in terms of communication on here. I'm sure you get frustrated Mike, when we can act a little like spoiled kids over different issues, but I believe that if we are told something will hopefully be released by the weekend, and you know after a few days it's not going to happen, a quick update would cull the majority of the "toy throwing out of prams" !

#271 Stoney


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Posted 17 September 2016 - 10:31 AM

I only asked if course forge was coming this weekend as they said last week they were shooting for that date. Its saturday and theres no info from anybody as to whether it is coming this weekend or not.

If its not coming this weekend then why not just say and ill shut up for another week :).

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#272 J.H.Buchanan


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Posted 17 September 2016 - 10:55 AM

I posted in March when it is coming out - enough said - sorry I can't change the calendar - it's only September -- next month it will be October - and so on. 







Little known fact when King Arthur was trying to make a golf course and he ran into some conflict. King Arthur: There's a peace only to be found on the other side of war. If that war should come I will fight it!    Other important fact. Read the Book of John in the Holy Bible. 

#273 olazaboll


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Posted 17 September 2016 - 11:58 AM

I only asked if course forge was coming this weekend as they said last week they were shooting for that date. Its saturday and theres no info from anybody as to whether it is coming this weekend or not.

If its not coming this weekend then why not just say and ill shut up for another week :).

Telling someone to shut up is a bit harch ...dont´you think? .... even if it is adressed to Superman :)... what I tried to say was that it was no harm asking , but when no reply came , you could have taken that as a no , and not ask again... Also tried to state that it is best for now, me think , to give the developers some working-peace .... instead of asking them again something that 99% sure is a "NO" for the time beeing.... 

#274 Buck


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Posted 17 September 2016 - 03:09 PM

Telling someone to shut up is a bit harch ...dont´you think? 


You may want to read his post again.

He said that *he himself* would shut up for another week if the Devs were to come out and say "it's not coming this weekend"

#275 olazaboll


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Posted 17 September 2016 - 03:54 PM

"My Hovercraft is full of eels" ..... must be something wrong with my Swedish-English dictionary :)

yes ... I missed the "and" ........ my apolgies

#276 JoeF


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Posted 17 September 2016 - 04:15 PM



I, too, played powerstroke in Links from the day it was introduced until it began to cause problems with my wrist and I had to switch to RTS.  Like you I found it to be the most realistic swing within the game.  However, I was well aware that it was used by a minority of Linksters compared to 3C and RTS, due to its' inherent difficulty.  In JNPG I now use the horizontal version of the RTS-M swing which is essentially the equivalent to powerstroke.  Though you don't have to click/release the mouse button at the snap point in JNPG, its' difficulty is balanced with the lack of a meter to use to guage power and the need for proper tempo. 


As to power equating to more distance, this is true in real life but ONLY IF YOU HIT THE BALL PROPERLY to reduce spin.   Ballooning is caused by excessive spin - a result of hitting down on the ball with too much power.  This is what seems to have been modelled in JNPG for the longer irons/woods.  Too much power causes too much spin and the ball balloons and ends up flying a shorter distance.  Why would they do that?  In real life reducing spin on long irons/woods is a combination of a flatter/shallower swing path at contact, shaft stiffness and ball hardness.  Since swing path is already coded into the game if one wants to reduce ballooning one would have to use a combination of a shaft of appropriate flexibility/stiffness paired with a ball of the appropriate softness/hardness.  This is exactly what you will be able to do within JNPG with the release of shafts of varying stiffness and balls of varying hardness, as Mike explained in a post some time ago.  It will be up to you, the player, to determine which combo gives you the results you desire.


Personally, I quite like using the ballooning effect as a means to drop a wood/hybrid/long iron onto a green with little rollout when the distance would otherwise indicate using a higher club that is more likely to roll off the back of the green or not roll enough to get on to the green.  Risk vs Reward.  :)

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#277 Dazmaniac


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Posted 17 September 2016 - 04:43 PM

Mike, on what do you base your comment that Powerstroke was very unpopular? Of course, I can only speak for myself, but 95% of the people I played with on Links were Powerstrokers. We always had "Open to all" games, so it wasn't just for any one type of swing. Powerstroke WAS bloody difficult to master, but it was also the closest computer swing to real life, and still is. ​Until JNPG implements a swing where to get extra distance one can use more power, as in REAL GOLF, Powerstroke will always be the best golf game swing invented. Yes, I can hit a Driver and all the irons from 64w to 6 iron harder to get more distance and in the case of the irons, more spin, but all the other woods and long irons from 5 iron up lose distance the more power one uses. The tempo swings makes sense, but the ratio is tailored to only one tempo, which doesn't suit everyone, with Powerstroke it could work with lots of different tempos. I think Stephen was a bit over the top with his remark but one can't deny that JNPG needs to do more in terms of communication on here. I'm sure you get frustrated Mike, when we can act a little like spoiled kids over different issues, but I believe that if we are told something will hopefully be released by the weekend, and you know after a few days it's not going to happen, a quick update would cull the majority of the "toy throwing out of prams" !


Hitting a golf ball harder does not always equate to more distance. Swing it hard and your timing be off will not go as far as a solid swing with a clean strike. For me, IRL, the key in my swing is the timing. Granted, swing it hard and get the timing, and bingo. Hit a 3 iron hard in to a headwind and more often than not, the ball just balloons up and loses forward momentum. Swing slower and make a solid strike, gets lower ball flight, less spin and probably further distance.


Older golf games didn't apply ball physics like PP. In Links 2003, hit it harder just equated to more distance. That is why it was easier to dial in overhits with some practice, there was no ballooning element added in. Simply 110% power got you the extra distance guaranteed.

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#278 Acrilix


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Posted 17 September 2016 - 05:52 PM

Hit a 3 iron hard in to a headwind and more often than not, the ball just balloons up and loses forward momentum. Swing slower and make a solid strike, gets lower ball flight, less spin and probably further distance.


I agree that this is the case IRL with a head wind, but hit a hard 3 iron in real life with a tail wind and you are unlikely to lose 20 yds like you do in PG!  :lol:

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#279 nightowl


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Posted 17 September 2016 - 06:41 PM

I guess asking if its coming this weekend is a bit pointless as again theres just no info coming from anywhere. ^_^

My rule of thumb is to take PP estimates and multiply by three. So, a week or two more likely means a month or so.

#280 Ian


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Posted 18 September 2016 - 07:58 AM

Joe and Daz, I do understand the physics. My point is that the physics are different for the woods and long irons compared to the Driver, 6 iron and below. I have ballooned a Driver many, many times on a golf course but I can't do it in JNPG. I also use the ballooning to stop a wood on a green, but I have no way of hitting a 3 wood harder to get another 20 yards carry. I agree that if I miss my snap I should be penalised in both distance and direction, but if I hit a 3 wood at 110% and a perfect 6, I should get more carry distance. Also, there's not enough adjustment on the up/down/draw/fade circle. If I put the ball all the way down, I should be able to hit the equivalent of a punch shot, as in very low to keep it under the wind or to hit under a tree branch. The ball adjustment is nowhere near enough. The draw and fade works well though. When I'm on say a greenside upslope, moving the circle all the way down doesn't even negate the upslope. I believe the tempo swing should be adjustable to allow people with a faster natural rhythm to be able to use it. Also, the carry achieved by 3 clickers is different to that of the motion swingers. Motion swingers get less carry and more roll. I have tested this at the range and on courses and every club carries further and stop faster with 3 click over motion swing. The launch angle and power being equal does not produce the same results with the different swing types. I perceive that to be a disadvantage to the motion swingers.  

Daz, you said "Swing slower and make a solid strike, gets lower ball flight, less spin and probably further distance".

How does one do that without messing up the ratio and hitting a big push?

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