I did - and admired them from afar. And many others.
First, importing them did not work, and then it says in the comment section below that they are standalone objects and can't be loaded into the tree planting engine.
All I have is quite measly, from the free unity terrain assets.
From left to right: Mimosa, group of crappy palm tree, single palm tree, banana plant and Banyan. Not even sure if Mimosa and Banyan can be considered indigenous plants.
I may have to use the palm tree materials as source for new and slightly less pathetic palm tree models that I construct in the Unity tree editor. I would have liked to spare myself this unendurable torment, but I'm running out of stuff to do: The Mac bug doesn't let me play PG and my CF U5 won't let me draw splines. I'm basically stuck in a rut - or stranded in a desert.
We do have a a generally unfriendly tree situation in course desgin. Bit of a week spot, but that is Unity being Unity, a DLC-besotted little tree pimp with no empathy whatsoever for cheapskates like me who just want some good tree stuff quickly and without a hassle for less than 35 USD per tree model. Oh, and also stuff that can be imported, customized and planted without an advanced degree in astrophysics...
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It's not the fault of PP, the poor darlings simply have no other choice but to lean so heavily on Unity - Why do you think my last golf course had no trees at all on it?