Larry that sounds fine except for one thing. In order to test your course you have to buy a pass to play test it. So if I decided to try designing a course I would in all practicality have to buy a pass. I would never think of designing a course and submitting it for PP to give approval to be played without first testing it probably to the point that I was sick of looking at the dang thing. You know how much of a stickler I can be to detail especially for play ability. Now Mike states that I could earn a couple of months free pass by designing and submitting a course for PP to review and if it is acceptable then I would get earn a free pass for playing courses.
Kind of the old chicken and egg argument as to which came first. I mean the idea of earning a free pass by designing a course is a good one but in there lies the catch doesn't it, I have to buy a pass first in order to even play test my own course and therefore possibly create a course that would earn me that free pass. Lol see my point?
Now this is just a suggestion and take it or leave it as you may. How about after CF is released that everyone get say a 3 month free pass. Those that want to contribute by designing courses at least get a chance to get there feet wet of using,designing, and play testing their own works without having to pay to do so. After the 3 month period *this is only a number could be only one month* then if you have not submitted a course to PP for them to test then you have to pay the season pass fee.
The reason I suggest this is many may be curious to try CF but many also will give it up after a bit either due to time constraints or whatever reasons. At least this way they can give it a shot and if they enjoy doing it most likely they will hang in there. Yes I realize that CF is not cheap for PP to create or to give to us, but it would entice more people to at least give it a shot and see how hard or how easy it is to make a course. It would be like taking a test drive before buying that Lamborghini. Lol it may look nice and you always dreamed of owning one but perhaps once you sat behind the wheel it would scare the crap out of you so bad that there is no way you would ever buy one. Still at least after the test drive and a new pair of pants you would know either you are hooked or cured of the idea.