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Season pass - paying to play user made courses ?

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#381 TRCThrobbinhood


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Posted 12 December 2015 - 05:13 PM

Urban dictionary explains it perfectly well.

#382 MimicPS


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Posted 12 December 2015 - 05:19 PM

Mimic PS Both are not correct, and we don't need you to look things up in dictionaries to explain to people the correct saying. Anyone using it the controversial way as you put it is wrong, and it only makes sense when it is used correctly.


Sigh... I hoped at least that David Mitchell's rant would have raised a smile and made you see the funny side. Oh well.

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#383 TRCThrobbinhood


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Posted 12 December 2015 - 05:23 PM

MimicPS sigh.. I hoped the explanation in the Urban Dictionary would have made you smile too, but obviously not. Oh well.

Only in the US do people sometimes use the saying incorrectly for sarcasm, but mainly people in the US tend to use it in a serious manner which is totally wrong, only in the US eh.

#384 Dazmaniac


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Posted 12 December 2015 - 05:38 PM


Not sure why I'm bothering seeing as you have stated you're done with these forums, but.....

Sorry I don't recall posting anything bad about you in my post, and I only used figures you actually quoted.

On the other hand, if EA keeps the Rory model as it is, or somehow they think they can make it better, then I will have no problem with shelling out another 60 bucks. The same will apply to 2017, '18' 19' 20', etc., if need be. I will buy it every year, because it is a great product. The good news? It won't cost me 4.99 a month.

You were the one mentioning shelling out $60 for the game, so giving me grief for not accounting for tax rebates and pre-order discounts is pointless.

Sorry to disappoint but I have no clique around me and I'm sure folks are not afraid of me or hesitant to post comments towards me. Also the only way I'm a big player in the golf community is that I'm 6'8", I don't carry any sway anywhere.

Enjoy your console golfing.

#385 lefty1948


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Posted 12 December 2015 - 06:59 PM

 Daz, I will definitely be looking up to you from now on!  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

#386 Ted_Ball


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Posted 12 December 2015 - 07:51 PM

Let's nip this in the butt

#387 Richard


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Posted 12 December 2015 - 08:28 PM

Let's nip this in the butt


Ted, ROFLMAO, you're a little late after 386 posts and 20 pages.

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#388 theclubpro


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Posted 12 December 2015 - 10:47 PM

I haven't read through all the pages,don't have the time for it ,but have read most though..lol.but is the pass just for the pc crowd?how will it work for the Xbox and PlayStation crowd when it comes out?since u got to pay to play online on those.



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Posted 12 December 2015 - 11:24 PM

I haven't read through all the pages,don't have the time for it ,but have read most though..lol.but is the pass just for the pc crowd?how will it work for the Xbox and PlayStation crowd when it comes out?since u got to pay to play online on those.

i don't know what PP's plans are for online play with PG for the consoles, but TGC does not require PSN Plus or Xbox Live Gold to play online. However, if PP follows this same path and want to offer the Season Pass they could do so, but most likely not with a monthly payment method.


#390 karma4u


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Posted 12 December 2015 - 11:46 PM

Can we STOP criticizing people for how few posts they have. Saying that they have no right (or at least as not as much of a right) to air their opinions based on the number of posts they have is wrong. Sure you can say, "He hasn't been around long"...to yourself! There are lots of things you can say to yourself that don't belong in a public forum. But going around disparaging people because they don't have as many posts as you would like is uncivil. This isn't the first time I've seen it (if you like I can come up with a rogue's gallery of such tactics on the forum). Not to mention that the success of this game won't come from us "old hands" but from "newbies". And "fresh eyes are sometimes the keenest".

Besides...it's supposed to be an open forum for ideas. Every time someone engages in an attack on someone else's opinion (and not an "I disagree, and this is why"), let alone an attack on the poster, it makes me think this forum is turning into the same kind of crapfest that so many forums I have been on eventually became. Which is a shame, because I thought this forum was different.

THIS, is an excellent post....one, that i think some serious folks that back PG should consider..Just because you love this game and the folks behind it......does not and will not make it be the .....''be all to end all golf games"........

Old folks may die hard....but seriously you need a great influx of new folks to make this game work...

Hey, just a heads up that..........this game needs a lot more folks  than is already here...just sayin'..

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#391 Greensboronclion


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 12:33 AM

Greensboronclion, the correct saying is " I couldn't care less" otherwise your post doesn't make sense.

Well now that I have been given a lesson on my bad American Grammer let me state it another way. I don't care either way if he comes back or not. Let me know if that is ok and Y'all have a good night.

#392 TRCThrobbinhood


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 12:56 AM

Greensboronclion  Yes that's ok now, have a good sleep.

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#393 karma4u


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 01:46 AM

Simple problem.........Why should anyone on these forums care about grammar???

CARE about the game....

This game needs more support..from way more folks than it has now.......

My observations are .....This game needs young blood and, seems to me that there are folks on this forum who feel that they actually run this game....not PP.......

I want this game to succeed..........but, i have concerns.......

I think that there are some folks on this forum that "really have to get over themselves"........SERIOUSLY..

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#394 Greensboronclion


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 01:54 AM

Karma we really do need more young people playing this game but golf doesn't seem to resonate with the young crowd in video games. For that matter I see less and less playing IRL everyday and that is not good. We really should be targeting a more younger crowd to this game and if everyone on this board could introduce it to one younger player maybe we could get that infusion. Good thoughts on that subject by you tho.

#395 Mulligan


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 03:04 AM

Why should anyone on these forums care about grammar???


It's usually a pretty good clue that keeps you from wasting time bickering with someone who will never really understand what you're saying. Why bother?

#396 karma4u


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 03:45 AM

It's usually a pretty good clue that keeps you from wasting time bickering with someone who will never really understand what you're saying. Why bother?

Well, there are folks from all over the world that participate in these forums. Some, may not speak the English language quite as eloquently as others.........What????...Really.........

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#397 Armand


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 05:07 AM

To me, grammar (and spelling) is only important in forums to make the meaning of a post clear to others who are reading it.  In spoken word, there can be a lot of information gathered from hearing the sounds and intonation of the words and sentences.  In written word, those tones are completely lost and it becomes much less clear, especially if there are significant grammatical errors.  That is apparent because we see the meaning of posts often being misinterpreted.  Jokes or "friendly" banter between friends and members, especially posts containing sarcasm, can be completely missed.


The written example of "I could care less..." technically has a different meaning than what most authors intend when they write it (I think!).  Now, we pretty much all know what the intent always is, so in my opinion, it's a "forgivable offence" for those of us who speak English as their native language.  Similarly, the misuse of then and than, where and were and we're, there and their and they're, and other common errors are also forgivable.  For me, it usually takes a two or three reads of posts/sentences with such errors to understand what was meant.  I can't imagine what confusion it may create with those whose native language isn't English, though!


Generally, I don't find too many significant grammatical errors in these forums.  If I'm ever uncertain, I interpret that the post was made with the best intentions.  :)



And how is that for completely off the thread's topic!!  :D

Edited by Armand, 13 December 2015 - 05:09 AM.

#398 Ted_Ball


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 05:24 AM

My post was #386 was more satirical than sarcastic I believe. I thought it was quite funny in the context. It was almost a double entendre (which doesn't have to be sexual by the way). The correct term is 'nip it in the bud' meaning 'before it flowers'. There was a touch of ambiguity about Richard's post after mine. I don't know whether he was laughing at my cleverness or my stupidity. I tried to read between the lions. I could care less either way....ummm...or not. I think it has all worked out for all intensive purposes.

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#399 IanD


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 07:56 AM

You can often tell a thread has run its course (no pun intended) by those posts at the end... ;)


As for introducing younger players... every product has a target market. Whilst most PC Games target males, the age factor is generally considered quite varied. There are numerous males aged 40+ playing COD, but unlikely as many under 40yrs. Targetting younger players isn't easily done unless they have an interest in the actual game itself. I'm not comparing the actual interest in warfare vs those playing COD by that statement though. It's simply that this sport, is not such a team event as other sports or games can be.


However, the suggetsion of introducing younger people to the sport of Golf is a good suggestion and made me recall some fond memories of my grandson some 10-15yrs ago. He's now 18, and 'out there' enjoying himself....lol. But the Q he often asked when visiting, was where's Grandad.. to which my wife replied 'Playing Golf'. He would then come running into the office (the dining room I had comandeered... in true COD fashion) to see what I was doing. It wasn't that he thought I was out on a golf course several miles away... he knew I was indoors and where to find me lol. What I mean to say by all this, aside from feeling fonder of the youngster... is that, he's 18.. he's got time to play golf when he's older. That's what I'd tell myself....


So, good thoughts... but it may not work. Target the audience that is already waiting for the game...

#400 frank70


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 08:54 AM

The first thing we all should do is to praise the game in important forums. For instance i talked about PG in the GolfWRX forums. If 20 of us would post there or at operationsports.com or on other gaming or golf sites we probably would help the game tremendously. By th way: the moderaror of the TGC forum posted only one day after me at golfwrx. They are very active in the communities.

We should help the game to get on the radar. I suppose that a lot of people who maybe would buy the game don't even know about it yet.

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