The courses people make with CF won't be distributed by us, they can be shared freely around the community however the designer wants, we won't dictate to them how their courses should be distributed although we will certainly try and help is asked.
Being a season pass holder will enable players to play these community created courses with PerfectGolf...
I guess I'm confused as to how it is a benefit to "freely share & distribute courses however you want", but nobody can actually do anything with them unless they are paying a monthly fee to PP?
That doesn't really make anything about that action "free" other than sending out an unusable file.
(including the fact that you can't even use CF and make & test the course without the Season Pass also, correct?)
Would it not be more equitable to say that you can't use them for anything beyond testing/solo/offline play without a pass?
Then at least the providing of the online infrastructure is understandably connected to the monthly fee.