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#21 Crusher


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 04:40 PM

That is just so Stupid. Just how can releasing a computer version of their course hurt them in  any way IRL.


Maybe we should stop watching their TV broadcasts.  After all, how do we know it is a real course too.


It's just so silly.




A course, when it becomes part of a company's components has  copyright laws just like anything else.  Meaning, selling this game with PGA named courses will draw the attention of the consumer and make the game more enticing. A company has to pay for those rights to use those names when advertising their product.


An outsider who has nothing to gain from creating a virtual course with a PGA name has nothing to worry about. They can produce it as long as they don't sell it, and they can distribute for free.


Hence the success with Tiger Woods and Links Series. Devs were commissioned by Microsoft who paid for the rights to use the course names in Links. Same goes for EA Sports dev teams who developed PGA named courses, Electronic Arts paid for the rights to use PGA named courses.


Once the course builders (software) were released to the public, the public has the freedom to create any real course as long as they do not intentionally draw attention to the course name for commercial reasons. Those courses filled the cache for Links and Tiger Woods. The same will happen here once a dozen or so players master the Course Forge.


I do not create courses but I sure love playing them! :)

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#22 FixAmer1st


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 05:32 PM

IMHO, a Named course appearing in a Computer Game will just add interest and knowledge of the "real" course and not be detrimental at all "copyright laws" or not.


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#23 Crusher


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 05:31 AM

IMHO, a Named course appearing in a Computer Game will just add interest and knowledge of the "real" course and not be detrimental at all "copyright laws" or not.



Possibly, except that real courses don't need a computer video game to promote them.  Real golfers and super-fans are interested in real-life golf far more than virtual golf.


Indeed, it would be very cool if more real PGA fans played virtual golf - especially this one.

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#24 M Rose

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Posted 17 October 2015 - 04:33 AM

Would simply renaming it be enough or is there more to it?

Obviously it's been done for the other real courses out there.

But the ANGC is a different beast altogether.... If they want something, they won't spare any expense in getting it. Especially regarding anything that has to do with their image.
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