Yeah. I agree with everything you say slouis. That's what I want from a golf sim/game.
The career mode is just a long slog to get your golfer to the point that the playable real pro golfers in the game already have - so what's the point?
I'm coming from the realism angle as well. I did the 10 hour trial and tried really hard to set it up so I could get it to a realism standard. (No grid putting was reasonable.) I played Augusta at 'Simulation' difficulty for hours and got to a point where it did feel somewhat like you can use your 'golfer's nouse' to make it feel realistic. But, of course, there's just too much crap going on (cams are atrocious) and I couldn't bring myself to play another course. I would hit the wall very soon playing the EA thing.
So here's a list of what the EA thing hasn't got that PG does...
no replays
can't see putt from opposite side
no instant gimmes
no practice areas
only 30 courses. (Yes Greens. It would get old very quickly)
no free cam
dodgy drops
no archived recordings
no lobbies
no smooth, efficient, realistic-ish multiplayer
no turn-based multi
no regular updates (Fanboys keep saying wait for the patch. From EA?)
no real time mouse swing
no 3 Click
no (the other swing type) I forget what it's called.
restricted post shot cams
no multi modes of play
And probably many others.
If you read this list which game would you tend to go for?
OK, the EA thing has nice colourful graphics.
It has crowds - and I can tell you that they became a pain in the arse. Off they come!
While not quite 'garbage' it is still a nope from me. The only way I could tolerate the game is multiplay against someone with the same hard set-up. And I've got 75 minutes left on my trial and it won't connect to the EA servers. Good luck with that.
Cool. Now I can buy a good Xbox game with my savings.