Say what you want, but at least it is a complete game... tweaks, updates and SUPPORT for the game will be ongoing. Just like every single title known or developed, it will not be for everyone.
I have been trying TGC2019 and my general consensus is this.. It is fun.. have to get used to ball swing and physics, sure. Is it my favorite? nope.. BUT plays well and all I have to do is separate my gameplay way of playing from Links and PG and learn a new game to enjoy it. Could care less about how bunkers look, no clue about those saying it looks "cartoonish" or what have are just fine. There are far more features, immersion, and overall greater ambience than PG's less than half completed game. As far as price goes, its right on the mark. Heck, I paid 80 bucks for RDR2 and the community is STILL asking for more content and Rockstar is delivering.. well worth it!
I will definitely be picking up 2k2021!