Thanks for doing this, Andrew. Sure wish simulator users would get a similar opportunity to continue using the game past next August, too. If PC players can continue using the software for free (beyond the original purchase), it would be nice if we could at least continue using it on a paid basis as we have been.
I appreciate your posts here today, Andrew, and hope this is the start of more open communication as to why some of the decisions to isolate non-TM users have been made, and what steps might be possible moving forward to accommodate everyone who has a non-TM sim setup.
Thanks again for today's messages, and for your consideration in additional posts regarding future sim usage and software from PP moving forward.
Today we pushed an update the primary purpose of which is to ensure that JNPG will continue to work even if our servers go down for whatever reason, ensuring that the game will always be playable with all user courses for as long as folks wish to play the game.
If anyone detects any issues with the update please let us know. Thanks