Very interesting. Would be outstanding for sand belt/waste bunker type courses. Does the shader based mesh change impact the physics at all?
I would be interested in substituting the PP transition shader in a bunker with this. Essentially, induce irregularity to the bunker edge.
I don't know for sure if the physics are affected. At least it seems not. I was also hoping the player would stand on the displaced mesh but it seems he doesn't. I renamed the meshes/parts to "Spline xxx" and assigned a mesh collider (earth). Did i miss something? Maybe it was just the physics of the underlying PP layer.
But if the displacement is subtle it somehow looks as if the shoes and ball are actually a bit "sunken" into the sand. I was able to play the ball normaly on a few shots i made.
I think you can do funny things with it on bunkers too. Best would be if we also could really blend the textures.