Our characters first steps
Aug 14 2012 04:08 PM |
in Golf Dev Blog
Just a small update, but I wanted to share it with you
First golfer character
Check out the first images from the character I'm building. The clothing is modeled on real life references, and using normal map blending will show the correct wrinkles when he's in backswing, address and follow-through.
Characters will be a really important part of our game, their gritty realism, the way the clothes react to the wind, how life-like they move and react to shots and interact with the environment.
Eventually I think customization will be a big feature too, where users can modify the look, colors, designs or add club logos. I have a lot of ideas planned for the customization system which I hope to implement in time, but in the initial stages one male and one female character is my focus for now.
Interface Mockup
Here is a quick mockup I put together showing how perfectGolf could look like when you unlock a new piece of clothing / gear. You would be able to rotate and view a 3d model of the clothing, so you can see it from angles, and see it's special qualities.
'sorry couldn't find that ' thats all i get from everywhere