A Portrait of a Designer as a Young Gamer
Sep 21 2012 02:35 PM |
in Golf Dev Blog
As long as I can remember my life has always been about the game of ice hockey, yet - I work in the golf industry.  Does this make any sense at all?  Why would I be interested in the game of golf?  It's just plain difficult, cost too much, and you have to get all dressed up to play!  What is it about the game of golf that it can grab you by your very being and hurl you into another place. A place where only you can go.  That place within all of us that we dare to dream few enough.  Sure I got the bug!  I got it big time.
- Erik
[youtube height = "450" width="800"][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiUIwfbnO8s&feature=plcp&hd=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiUIwfbnO8s&feature=plcp&hd=1[/url][/youtube]